
A good deal starts with a good purchase.
Whether for personal motivation or for investment, you need time to investigate and get to know the market well, you need to know how to wait, know how to negotiate.
We have the accumulated knowledge that allows us, from the first visit to a property, analyzing all the constraints and their strengths and weaknesses, to develop a plan to enhance the property and carry out the execution of a relevant project. Whether it is an acquisition for monetization or owning a home, the project has to be put into practice with a well-defined goal in terms of the available budget.
Nowadays, it is unthinkable to acquire a property, either for rentability or for your own home, independently, without having clear knowledge about the profitability of the investment based on the value needed to renovate the property. The rehabilitation work of a property fundamentally depends on the acquisition of the property being made at the best possible price, after a correct analysis of its characteristics, needs, possibilities, legal scope and detailed definition of the budget for the rehabilitation, ensuring that it is not underestimated or overestimated in terms of profitability or financial feasibility, which is why our services go far beyond the rehabilitation project and may include:
For end customer or investor:
- Prospection - Of the property to invest
- Evaluation – Of the property visited
- Technical analysis of the property
- Legal framework of the intervention
- Negotiation - Of the selected property
For investor:
- Guidance for the best solutions for monetizing the property
(Resale/Lease - Long term vs Local accommodation)